This simple question entered my inbox. My mind had the reactive thought that this is too profane. My awareness said “Wait, look. There’s something deep there. Go into it!” And so I did, and with pleasure, and with the awareness that at this time, when we turn the annual page to start a new year, many people pay more attention to the direction they want to see their life going.
I see that the above question is for ALL of us, whether we are studying, employed, freelance or business owners. Taking the question as is, it implies that the questioner has set goals.
Because if you haven’t set goals, how does your brain know where to go?
With your mind you contemplate, think, make decisions. The brain is the physical aspect of the mind and conducts your physical, emotional and mental energies. Simply: the mind is the director, the brain is the manager. Your energies need to have a direction, otherwise you get already lost before you even started.
Got direction? Got goals? Great, but wait and check: are these really defined as goals, as commitments or merely intentions or desires? An intention is a mental state of wanting, and a desire is an emotional state of wanting. From a creation perspective these have the power of a road sign. You can stare at your intentions and desires forever, but without a car you’re going nowhere.
Check 1: Are your goals commitments?
Check 2: Are these commitments clearly defined in space and time: what, how much by when?
If you ticked these 2 checks, you qualify stating you got goals.
Check 3. How much do you want to manifest these?
How much does it really mean to you to reach these goals? Don’t say yes to hasty. Look. How much creation energy, how much passion is powering your manifestation?
If you don’t want it enough, well then why bother in the first place?
If you are not passionate about leaving your comfort zone, why bother?
If you are not willing to serve what it takes, why bother?
Don’t choose goals powered by FEAR or GREED!
Are you still in? Got all 3 checks ticked off? Bravo!
Then it’s time to warn you: if you are not reaching your goals you are not doing what’s needed. It’s as simple as this. You are not doing what’s needed.
You may be doing all kind of things, you may throw in 14 hours a day, throw in money and courage, but that still doesn’t mean that you are doing what’s needed. Because if you were then you would achieve your goals.
Goal achievement is a matter of cause and effect.
If YOU are the wrong cause, you get the wrong effect.
Anyone who has goals is their cause. You are the decision maker, no one else. If you don’t achieve your goals, your decisions are not sufficient.
To act on insufficient decisions is a major plague in all areas of life and especially in the professional one.
All your actions are based on their underlying decisions.
Different decisions, different actions, different results. You are the cause.
Wanna maybe recheck? Good! J
How do you make goal-achievement, sufficient decisions?
You need to ask the right questions.
And the royal question for the mind (director) is: What do you REALLY want?
And for the brain (manager): What is needed?
Act on “what’s needed” and you shall reach your goals. Others are not better than you. They just make better decisions. And so can you.
If you don’t act on “what’s needed”, well then why bother? Quit smoking hopium. Grow up! Or have no direction (goals) and be happy.
But if you want to harvest (have results) you need to sow. That’s how life works.
Here’s my formula for your success 2025:
1: Create your goals
2: Get out of the way
3: Serve what’s needed
With love ❤ Marc