Thank you for giving me your precious attention once again.

I honor you, and I hope this month’ blog inspires and empowers you.


If your mind is thinking without you having asked for it to do so, you are suffering from a widely accepted mental illness known as “the Ego”.

The mind itself is a non-material device, given to us to operate thinking. 

If it thinks by itself, you are not ok.

Having thoughts on auto-pilot is a symptom of an underlying problem in your psyche. And that’s a tough one to accept, especially when the other seven billion are sharing the same illness as a perfectly normal default. We are not ok.

The voice you are hearing in your head should be an advisor on demand.

But it’s not, isn’t it? It talks, comments, judges, sings, screams, whispers, makes up fictional scenarios, gossips and most of all complaints ongoingly.

The real tragic is, you listen to it like it is you!

You think this voice is you, don’t you?

Yes you do. Otherwise why give a dime? This voice – when it talks not on demand – is the voice of the Ego. The Ego is essentially coo-coo, highly sensitive and utterly neurotic.

To hear that voice is one thing but to act on it is a road to misery.

Your mind is supposed to only produce thinking when asked for it by you.

You are supposed to be the CEO in yourself. But the truth is, you’re not.

You’re an employee trying the whole day to make your fake CEO (Ego) happy.

If it feels not so good, you drop every sanity, and all you do is to find a way to make the EGO happy again. Because you don’t know any better.

Let me tell you that there is a way out.

There is a way to bring back the authentic CEO called The Self, the real You.

But this Self needs to be awaken, because having been ignored for decades and lifetimes it simply chose to sleep until you come to reason.

Has the time come? Has the time come for you to wake up?

Just because you are conscious doesn’t mean you are awake. Everybody is more or less conscious. But what they are conscious of is where the catch-22 starts and ends. Everyone is conscious of the movement of their Ego, experienced as your thoughts and your emotions.

But that’s not being awake!

That’s sitting in your cinema, being in your movie and having forgotten that it is just a movie.

First thing in awakening is a shock: you suddenly realize that you are watching a movie – called your life. The moment you ‘get this’ you’re in trouble. But you’re also in the pipeline to wake up!

Your actual spiritual journey has begun.

Until then it was all just a movie including the spiritual, esoterical, “I am authentic”, etc. movies.

They are the most tricky ones, because part of this movie is a story that you are awake. Yes, in the movie you are. How quaint. But when it comes to real life, there are the broken relationships, poor health, social dramas, negative self-talk, self-destructive behaviors and so on and so forth.

Your life is the proof of your spirituality.

If your life doesn’t reflect your light, you’re masterfully kidding yourself.

Lao-tse in his unrivalled wisdom in the Tao Teh King said:

“Nice words are not true. True words are not nice.”


With love, ❤Marc