Fly vs Crawl

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Imagine you had wings, imagine you could fly, no effort, no gravity? Imagine feeling the wind playing with you, like waves of the ocean? Imagine the feeling of freedom and unlimited possibility to move, left, right, up down, Salto Mortale forward, backward?

Imagine how that feels?

Now, that’s flying.

Versus crawling. The effort, the weight, the drag. The slowness, restricted movement.

Can you feel that too? Is it even easier to feel that, more familiar?

As you can guess, these are analogies to describe modalities of living. The average human being is somewhere in the middle, not flying, not crawling – except sometimes. A mediocre way of living is a safe way of living. There you are longing for flying and fearing to be forced to crawl.

You can dance in the rain, you can swing with the trees, you can sing, you can feel like flying as a way of living. No one can stop you. Dance with no movement, sing with no sound, laugh with no tongue.

What if this was your natural state? What if it’s still there, buried under reasonableness, lies, fears, bullshit, second hand ideas, conformity? Why are you doing what you are doing? What’s it all leading up to? And what will be written on your tomb stone? “Saved it”? “Made it”?

Is that you? If you don’t do anything it will be you.

Lie no. 1:    “Once I have completed this (fill in the blank), then I will (fill in the blank)” Tomorrow never comes. The future is now or it never will be. Change is only possible now.

Lie no. 2:    “Everything that is happening is meant to be.” And who is making it happen?

Lie no. 3:    “Everything will be fine.” Smoking hopium is hallucinating. You believe you are progressing towards a fata morgana, but the further you walk towards it, the further it moves away from you. Wake up, it’s not working.

Here is the key:

Drop your excess baggage. That’s all you got to do. Drop your bullshit, drop your lies, drop your inauthentic smile, drop your fake conformity, drop your complacency, drop your greed, drop your stinginess, drop your attachments, drop your “stuff”, all of it.

Keep your love, keep your soul, keep your light, keep your passion, keep your creativity.

By dropping what’s in the way, you chop off the clay and what comes forth is the piece of art you are meant to be. Life has a vision for you. It wants you to fly.


Join me in flying, Marc