I know my dream. Do you know your yours?

No matter who you are, where you are, what you do – not knowing your dream is likely to be the biggest mistake you can carry over into your future. Your life cannot fulfill you when you don’t know what it is about.

Your dream is already alive in you. You were born with it. It was there as your Soul’s purpose for this incarnation. You may or may not believe it, it doesn’t matter, because even in believing you are still yourself part of the dream. You need to awaken to start becoming conscious of your dream and getting high on living it.

The moment you align with your dream, you are aligned with the flow of your life force; meaning everything begins to flow, your relationships, your success, your health, your happiness, everything. Your destiny smiles at you and life itself becomes your carrier.

I woke up to my dream a long time ago. I needed some years in early childhood to rub my eyes clear from the “becoming a human being” dust, but then rapidly my vision was able to see the dream. Living it became the story of my life. I wrote down a great part of it in my book “The Journey” to share with the world what it’s like to be insanely alive.

Regrets? Zero. To live my dream is what I am here for. And so are you!

You’re not here for anything else. Forget the Ego stuff. Take care of making a living so that you maintain your space suit, but that’s it – the rest is living your dream and getting high on life.

So, what is YOUR dream?

Clearly if that was an easy question I wouldn’t bother reaching out to you. It’s a hard nut to crack. Although the dream is alive in you, ready 24/7 to be recognized, you need to wake yourself up to see it.

Do you want to? Really? How much do you want it?

See, it is not difficult to wake up – it happens by itself when your creative intensity is high enough. You need to want it so badly that nothing else is more desired by you than that!

RECOGNIZING YOUR DREAM is not a mental phenomenon but an energy phenomenon. So my advice: stop looking for answers…because no matter how accurate the answer would be, no answer ever wakes you up. But energy can.

Seek to learn how to gather so much energy that the miracle of awakening is happening.

Pressure is a good starting point. As diamonds appear out of coal when the pressure is high enough you awaken by the same principle. Spending your life on limiting and avoiding pressure will get you nowhere. Mark my word.

The pressure I am talking about is coming from within. Don’t be stupid and seek pressure outside. If it is there, fine, deal with it, but I am talking about the INNER PRESSURE, the “fire of Yoga” as yogis call it.

Some tips: stop accepting your own bullshit, drop the pathetic show, drop proving yourself, cut yourself off from all compromises. Can you see how that would create pressure in you? Exactly. (notice: the pressure is created not by taking things on, but by putting things away)

So, what is YOUR dream?

P.S.: let’s see if you can give that question so much priority and space today and tomorrow and as long it takes, until something is going to happen! Because it has to.


With love, ❤️Marc