Why are so many talented and diligent people don’t get their careers to thrive? Why are so many people with faith and best intentions can’t change their destiny?

Why does life sometimes help you and sometimes not?

Why do people fall after they reached a long desired summit?

Why does life seem to withhold support when you need it the most?

In the last three decades of coaching, mentoring and training, I had the privilege to witness the unfoldment of talents’ potential. I have seen countless times “the magic” kicking in and creating miracles, personally and professionally.

If we want to live happily, healthy and meaningful lives, we need to have life on our side, to send us support, to guide us to our next level, to comfort and encourage us.


Then why – so often – does this “life support” dry out, stop, or even turn against us?

Consider this:

To the degree you are aligning your daily life with an authentic path of self-development life starts to work for you, miracles can and will find you; plenty of them – the supply is delivered unlimitedly.


Life just wants you to be on your authentic way (‘to the light’), and if you are, it takes care of the details (time, money, health, etc.)

I have witnessed this principle so often in my own life; working hard, giving it all, being flexible, meditating…doing all the 9 dots that an aspiring entrepreneur is supposed to do. And yet, the fruits were rather poor.

Then I take a week off, go to participate in a tantra retreat (for example) and after a few days suddenly the Whatsapp messages and emails get better, the sales numbers rise, unexpected wonderful stuff is happening, all while I am not in the office! I’m “just” doing the retreat from the morning to the evening; which seemingly has nothing to do with my business. 


What happened – and as I said, this happens always and all the time – was, that I was 360 degrees aligned with my self-development.

As the biblical saying goes: “Thy seeketh the kingdom of heaven first and everything else will be added to you.”

When life isn’t working any longer, when the life support is withheld, then it is always because that person isn’t on their authentic way of self-development.

When I say “authentic way of self-development” I mean a way that does expand you and lifts your energies to higher levels. If this doesn’t happen, then it’s not authentic for you (maybe for another, but not for you, or maybe not at this particular time in your life).

Careful: your ego is not the trusted verifier of whether or not you are engaging in an authentic path of self-development. Just because the ego likes a particular practice and resists another doesn’t mean anything.


The only trusted verification is how life responds.

If the miracles don’t happen, you’re not walking on authentic grounds.

Life responds immediately because it is not separate from you.

And the only time that actually exists is the eternal Here and Now. So do not delude yourself by telling yourself that the rewards will be given to you after some time. This illusion is a popular trick of the ego.

Yes, we all must survive and have responsibilities; but everyone can make time where there is none; it’s a matter of prioritizing the important over the urgent.


The magic in your life is always on stand-by, ready to show up instantly when you move your energy to higher levels.

Waiting for it to happen is another way of self-delusion. What happens is nothing except you get older.

Your spiritual energy moves higher by itself – by the law of resonance – when you put yourself in energy fields that are higher; it’s a transmission phenomenon.

It has nothing to do with whether your ego feels good or not. If you try to make your ego happy you have chosen a sure way of suffering.

How much longer do you want to continue this painful naivety?

Remember, the magic is just one decision away.


With love ❤ Marc