Doing More Every Day is Not in the “Doing”

Creative Consciousness teaches several principles that can drastically up-level your success and effectiveness. However, you may be surprised to discover that these principles are not focused on what you are ‘doing’ but on who you are ‘being’ on your way to success. Here are just a few of them to support you in your journey.

The IMT principle.

“I” stands for ‘inspiring’. Activating the mind to move in the direction of the goal.

“M” stands for ‘moving’. Is your goal putting you in action? As if you can’t wait to start?

“T” stands for ‘touching’. Is your goal touching you? Does it really matter to you?

By checking every goal with the IMT principle, you increase the flow and decrease the effort because your system will automatically be motivated to move toward the goal. If your goal doesn’t score at least eight on a scale of zero to ten, ask yourself the question, “What would I need to score eight or higher on the IMT scale?”

The 20% rule.

Set goals at least 20% outside your comfort zone.

To the degree you are outside of your comfort zone, you will be challenged; and challenge creates growth.

Your goal doesn’t need to be 80% out of the comfort zone, although it can be if you are up for a bigger challenge.

However, keep in mind that choosing a goal that overstretches you may be a set-up for failure, and repeated failure can decrease self-confidence. A 20% stretch is generally safe in that it is far enough outside the box to stimulate growth, yet achievable, teaching your subconscious to trust that you can accomplish it. Over time, this builds self-confidence.

Let go of your resistance to success.

If the level of success you seek was the default for your system, you would already be there.

The reason we are not is that we all unconsciously have resistance. Maybe it comes from our fear of showing ourselves or our fear of failure or making mistakes. Or perhaps we believe that being successful will cost us our ‘me-time’ or throw off our work-life balance. While these fears or causes of resistance are completely understandable, they cause our energy to get stuck and to be spread rather than focused on our target. Letting go of our resistance to achieving goals or success increases our effectiveness in every step of the process.

Choose in totality.

Any degree to which we do not choose something 100% is energy loss. Doubt, leaving options unchosen, not giving 100%, saying yes but not fully… All of these cause our system to lose energy and not move in flow toward our goal. The only way to truly focus your energy in one direction is to choose 100% — always.

Complete every step.

In a world where we are tempted to multitask, we lose power. Our consciousness only has as much space as we have; and when it is full it slows down, gets stuck, loses creativity, and so on. By not completing tasks, leaving them open, or working on several tasks at the same time we occupy more space than necessary. The only space we can use for the task we are doing at the moment is the space we have left. So when you are in a meeting, complete every agenda item before you move to the next one. When you start reading an email, follow through and answer it right away if it requires a response. If you put this task off, you will just have to read it again later and that creates more effort.

Create a supportive context.

This is your relationship to what you are doing. For example, let’s say you are working as a salesperson for your company and your target is sharp. You know you can do it because you’ve reached it before. But if your relationship to achieving the target is that it only serves your boss, it will not serve you in reaching your goal. In fact, it might even cause the goal not to be reached. Most of us are not conscious of the relationship or context we have for our goals. A more supportive context might be, “Reaching this goal will bring out the best and most creative version of me.” Make sure to always choose a context in which your system can truly believe as well as one that allows you become the person you desire to be.

Success is in every moment. Here’s to yours.

With love, Joris