How to Avoid Burnout
If you have never experienced a burnout, the whole phenomenon may seem at first very strange to you; especially when you hear about people who become so physically incapacitated by a burnout that they can’t even get out of bed. So what is a burnout, exactly?
The Urban Dictionary defines it as a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by a prolonged period of stress and frustration.
Simply put, a burnout occurs when you have crossed your body’s boundaries so many times that it pulls the plug on you. The key word here is boundaries; and of course, those are different for everyone. Burnout can happen due to exhaustion and stress, so those with stressful jobs are normally most likely to experience burnout. When this happens, it’s so important that people try and overcome this burnout. To do this, some people will use products, such as these Delta 8 carts, to try and lower their stress and anxiety levels. This allows them to take some pressure off themselves, encouraging them to relax more. Of course, that might not work for everyone. If that’s the case, what is the remedy?
- Healthy Boundaries
As a first step, listen to the wisdom of your body. Listen when it needs rest or needs certain nutrients. Since boundaries can vary so much from person to person, it makes absolutely no sense to compare yourself to others, nor to tell yourself that your needs should be any different than they are. Your body is infinitely wise and is always telling the truth.
- You Come First
Not having healthy boundaries generally goes hand in hand with compromising your needs and prioritizing the interests of others over your own. You may feel that you are doing it all with the best intentions, but in the end, your sacrifice does not benefit anyone. You need to put yourself first and make sure your health is a priority. If you notice that you’re starting to feel exhausted and stressed constantly, it might be time to start taking a break to work on yourself. For some people, this might mean using some cannabis products to try and lower stress levels and increase energy and focus. If you feel that this might help, you can look here to find some cannabis.
A healthy balance starts with putting yourself first; not because you are more important than anyone else (that would be egocentric), but because you are worth it (that is self-love). If you don’t respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you?
If you’ve ever listened to the safety guidelines on an airplane just before takeoff, you are always told to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. Life is much the same; you can only help others if your own needs are met.
- Good = Good Enough
Have you ever noticed that the people who tend to burn out first are the ones who strive to be perfect? If you suffer from perfectionism, you are constantly trying to do it better without standing still to reflect on your achievements.
A perfectionist doesn’t think in victories but in obstacles, which already sets a poor context. What’s worse is that their 100% is often at least 25% higher than that of an average person, which places a lot of undue stress on their shoulders.
If you can see that perfectionism is an illusion in itself-a finish line that can never be crossed-then maybe you can also see that your ‘good enough’ is often much more than perfect in someone else’s eyes. That insight alone can sometimes put the whole concept into perspective again.
- In Line with Yourself
Burnouts can also be caused by doing things that are truly not meaningful or enjoyable for you and as such, they cost you tremendous amounts of energy. For example, you may absolutely detest your job, but you stick with it out of social pressure, prestige, a sense of responsibility, or the urge to prove yourself… Or on a more subtle level, it may just be that something deep within you senses that you have a higher calling that you would rather pursue, but you feel trapped and unable to follow your dream.
Can you sense that it feels very different energetically when you do a job because you love doing it-because it makes you feel happy and fulfilled-as opposed to the energy of feeling forced to do it?
When you do things that are close to who you really are and what you really want, it brings you intrinsic motivation; you experience more flow and less effort. It is a lot harder to burn out in a job that you love doing, unless, of course, you lost track of points 1-3…
With love, Nathalie